Werner Kaegi


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Summer 2023 Archivation of Master Tapes

The tape archive of Werner Kaegis works is incorporated in the Sonology Archive in The Hague. The main works will be digitalized from the original master tapes. We hope that most of the electronic works will be published in the next years!! We are very happy that finally this wonderful material can be saved for the future.

New VOSIM66 software by Heinerich Kaegi

Between 2020 and 2024 Heinerich Kaegi and Ludger Hurts developed a new Vosim programm VOSIM66 based on the original ideas of Werner Kaegis Vosim and Midim systems. This programm is created in GNU Octave and runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. See www.vosim.eu


New version of VOSIM generator software by Luuk Trip

Luuk Trip developed in 1999 a Vosim generator software VOS2WAV based on the original Vosim 7 vector. Meanwhile Luuk has adapted his VOS2WAV system for Windows 10. For more information, please mail us.


New scores available soon

Scores of several old compositions of Werner Kaegi will be soon available!

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